Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sex Education

Did you know that the any discussion of the Human Reproductive organs – ANY discussion – is classified as Sex Education in the United States public schools?

From 1999 to 2001, I was an active member of the Endometriosis Resource Center ( and was listed as a Contact in my area for any women or Teens who needed information about the disease. In late 1999, after Endo nearly killed me, I discovered the volumes of emails begging for help were form girls 12-18 and young women 18-35. The idea was, get information to the school nurses so that Teen girls with Endo can get help.

Not allowed.

It is sex education and requires several things: a license to practice medicine in your state, a teaching credential, an approved permission slip form from the school district and a 6 month Board Review of the proposed curriculum.

In other words, no information about a deadly disease that affects teen girls can be shared on School Property. The place where Teen Girls spend all of their time.

Based on the fact that a certain Governor from Alaska is vehemently against Sex Education in public schools and has a pregnant teenage daughter, makes me wonder if Endo will ever truly be cured. With women like this in our local governments it makes me cringe when I think of all the little 12, 13 and 14 year olds dealing with their first menstrual cycle in a hostile and dark hearted environment.

I am very worried. We may have to live in a future of Mary Howell's, cruel and vicious women who harm their own "for the better good", blindly following a systematic break down of civil rights and spread a message of "freedom for me but not for you". This is what we will be forced to choose if we want to put a woman in the Executive Branch.

Do I now have to worry that by placing a woman in the Executive Branch means I go back into the Broom Closet? Do I have to worry that the indigenous beliefs of my family heritage will be outlawed in this country? Does a vote for a woman mean a vote against freedom?

I am just not sure that a woman who is against sex education and has a pregnant teenager understands power – or rather the empowerment – knowledge can provide for a person.

Then again, maybe this same woman is simply a staunch defender of Free Will. Her unwillingness to interfere with the Free Will of her daughter might be evidence to support her true beliefs. Hey, maybe she's secretly a Pagan too!