So now the lamestream media is going to defend a racist, wife-abusing, drunken, out of control cop.
You go lefties! Obama for emperor!
Posted by: patch | August 30, 2008 2:09 PM
Monegan confirmed his allegiance to the "Good Old Boys Network" in failing to do anything about an obviously unfit trooper. Obviously, he was not doing his job to protect and defend the residents and laws of Alaska and he had to ge.
Way to go, Gov. Palin
Posted by: Larry | August 30, 2008 2:22 PM
This is more for The Little Sister than for the public, "This is my Position" blog.
A lot of people are asking me, and I have been resistant to respond, about my Political Position since Hillary did not get the Democratic Nomination. The reason was because , at the start of the Presidential Race, the Democratic offerings were unpalatable. So at that time 2 years ago, The Little Sister and I begrudgingly acknowledged that we were again on the same Political Team. For the first time, the entire family was on the same side.
Then Hilary joined the race. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pantsuits was on the move. For those of you who don't know, in the corporate world, the Suit is the uniform – and the Pant Suit is the "everything but the tie" female answer to the Executive Uniform. I am a fan of the pantsuit.
People didn't even ask me anymore. On the day she put her hat in the ring, The Little Sister called me at 6am to say, "Your with her right?". I didn't know yet, and turned on the news. With Little Sister on the phone, I whooped and hollered and politely told The Little Sister that she would be a fool not to support Hillary simply because we are both Middle Manager Women in the Corporate World. Hillary is our role model. Mom raised us to be as strong and independent and fiercely capable as any man. And she ensured we were US Citizens to guarantee we would be totally free women, free to do what when and how we pleased. Of course I was supporting Hillary and still do.
Hillary is Our Generation. Every woman under the age of 60 has benefitted from the same Fore Mothers of Women's Liberation in the United States as Hillary. We share the same DNA. It doesn't matter what your Political Position is, if you are a woman, you have a bank account, you have a Driver's License, you are a US Citizen with the ability to vote, and you have the right to attend the University of your choice, then you too are a Child of the Fore Mother's of Women's Liberation. Feminism is a bad word these days. But ask any Socially Conservative women if she is willing to turn back the days to Pre-Movement, and she will have you committed. You must be touched, dear, sit and have a cold cloth on your forehead. Ask any Democratic woman and you could likely end up in the Emergency Room. Regardless of our political views, we are women, we are free, and we are never going to let that freedom escape our control.
Then Hillary did not get The Nod. Instead, Obama got it. We all held our breath when Obama visted Hillary at her Washington Office immediately after the voting closed. No word on anything from that meeting. We all thought it – What if it was an Obama/Hillary ticket? Would that work? Somehow, someway, the deal was not struck. Now we have Obama/Biden. The Democrats have completely cast out the women's vote. They put us aside and said "Too bad, so sad".
Not a single woman on the ticket.
McCain was supposed to pick Romney. McCain was supposed to ensure our Family would remain on opposite sides for at least another 4 years. And then he did the unthinkable. McCain chose Palin, blindsiding everyone and putting Women back into the equation. But wait, there's more. McCain chose a VP candicate from our Sisterhood!! She is a Corporate Mother, a Business Woman Soccer Mom. A Woman with a sister embroiled in a nasty divorce and custody battle with an abusive ex-husband!
Every Social issue that ever mattered to a Woman is rolled up into one candidate. Pay Equity, Social Engineering, Education, Economy… need I go on? For the educated woman, looking out for herself and her family, which Ticket is she going to choose? Is that a great big DUH?
The Liberal Media wasted no time getting this story out to the voters. So now the Democrats are supporting the Good Old Boys? How does that equate? Supporting a cop that couldn't even follow the simplest of laws – hunting without a license – and violating the very laws and rules he has sworn to uphold. This is what the Democratic Party and the Liberal Media want to support? A cop who tasers his own Clan? What if the kid said "Hey Dad, try the .22 out on me! Let's see if it really hurts!", would we be reading about a teenager murdered by his step-Dad? And the best inference, that Palin placed pressure on Monegan to do something. Like the entire Police Force is threatened by an abused woman and her Senetor Sister! They run the daily life of the sister, they determine wether Palin's family has a good day or a bad day in their home town… and the idea here is that Palin pressured the cops to do something about their out-of-control Officer. There must be something in the water up there in Alaska.
So, being the educated woman that I am, I say, GOOD! Show the Good Senator from Alaska defending her Family tooth and nail. We love seeing a woman protecting her Tribe. The angry Mama Bear swiping at the aggressor, claws and flesh and teeth. Bring it on! Teach America's Daughters how to be strong, fiercely independent Citizens who protect their freedoms and their families!
Now our Family is reunited in the Political Arena. And all our Canadian Mom cares about is "Which one is going to benefit my daughters best?"
I am supporting the McCain/Palin ticket, and it seems that plenty of other folks feel the same way about McCain's pick as the private party donations mounted since the announcement of Pailin as his running mate. I hate that it's another 4 years of Republicans, but if this is the compromise we have to make to get a Woman in the Whitehouse, then so be it.
Is that such an outrageous position? Maybe, maybe not. Hillary played nice by not contesting the Democratic Election. She could have tied it up in court and demanded a fair recount. She did not. She was polite. Her politeness is admirable, but it doesn't get Women in the Whitehouse.
Consider this: women control 85% or more of the average US household's discretionary budget. Women decide where families go on vacation. Women decide what educational choices are made in terms of their children. Women control the brand names that enter their homes. And believe it or not, women control religion. We have controlled government from behind the men for thousands of years. Why not finally come out from behind the curtain oh great and powerful Oz, and show the world who wears the pants.
Of course there are die hard Democrats who will never leave their party. That's to be expected. But those of us who think for ourselves and decide what is best for us, we outnumber the die-hard Democrats. And our ability to cross party lines to defend our choices is legendary.
So yes, I am voting for McCain because he is giving me, a woman, representation at the highest office. The foot will be in the door for a Female President, and that's what I want for me, for The Little Sister, and especially for Baby Bear #3.